1. Empowering Communities: JJMAS Facilitated Housing Scheme Applications for 52 Members

JJMAS played a crucial role and supported 52 members in housing scheme applications for the Rajiv Gandhi Housing Scheme facilitated by the Women’s and Child Development Corporation (WCDC). Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the initiative:

52 members were assisted by JJMAS in applying for the housing scheme, ensuring that they met all the necessary criteria and completed the required documentation.

23 members of these applications have already been successfully approved by WCDC, allowing them to access housing benefits that will improve their living standards.

29 members are still awaiting approval, with their applications pending review. The delay could be attributed to additional verification or administrative processes, but JJMAS is actively following up to ensure that the remaining members also receive the support they need.

This initiative reflects the JJMAS commitment to addressing housing issues among marginalized communities, providing them with vital assistance in securing safe and affordable homes through government schemes.

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2. Expanding DIC-Based Services for Community Health and Support

This year, the Drop-in Center (DICs)-based services have made a significant impact in providing essential support to the community through a combination of TI Program and community-based members. A total of three DIC centers were established, with two DICs provided freely by government setups and one DIC is provided by Sahabhagini Federation of Women’s Collective to conduct and provide counselling services to the community members.

An important strategy within this initiative is the provision of health and need-based services through the DICs. These include:

Counseling services to help individuals with emotional and psychological well-being.

Awareness programs focusing on health, rights, and community empowerment.

Condom promotion to encourage safer sexual practices and prevent the spread of HIV.Health camps for general wellness checks and awareness about preventable diseases.

Distribution of IEC (Information, Education, and Communication) materials to spread health messages. Health checkups to ensure early detection and treatment of illnesses.

Syphilis screening as part of efforts to prevent and control STIs in the community.These services are crucial in addressing the healthcare and social needs of vulnerable populations and have made a notable difference in improving community health and awareness throughout the year.

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3. Total 27 Members Received Livelihood Support from JJMAS through Chethana Scheme

Chethana Scheme (rehabilitation of Sex workers)

Under this Scheme financial assistance is provided to the sex worker for self employment and to lead a decent and dignified life. A total of 18 women in sex work (WSWs) received financial assistance of ₹30,000 each to support self-employment opportunities and enhance their livelihood.

Through Chethana scheme, JJMAS supported 23 members in establishing sustainable livelihoods. The program identifies individuals with a pressing need for economic support and helps them leverage social schemes and bank loans to initiate income-generating activities. Through these efforts, 23 members have been directly supported to start their own livelihood ventures.

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4. Empowering the Future: Education and Well Being Support for WSW Community Children

As part of JJMAS efforts to support the education and well-being of children from the WSW community, JJMAS facilitated and was successful in providing district-level government hostel accommodations and school fee assistance to two children, aged 12 and 10. These children now benefit from a safe and supportive environment, where they receive essential services such as shelter, food, clothing, education, and Yoga. The family just needs to pay 35,000 every year including all the facilities mentioned above. This initiative ensures their physical, emotional, and academic growth. The families have willingly contributed towards this initiative, demonstrating their commitment to the children’s future. This support highlights the importance of providing access to education, health, and safety, allowing these children to continue their studies and thrive in a secure and nurturing environment.